Moo Music Glasgow – including Cambuslang, Rutherglen and G69

Hello and Welcome to Moo Music Glasgow! Charlene and the Croo hope to see you for some MOOsical fun soon!

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Picture of Charlene Cruickshank

Charlene Cruickshank

07726403133 Email Charlene

I launched Moo Music Dunbartonshire in May 2021 & Moo Music Glasgow in March 2023. I have been so lucky so share some magical moments with lots of MOOvers & still have a lot of the same MOOvers attend that came when I started. I am a Mum of 2. What I loved the most about Moo when choosing a company… I get to decide on my themes, props and session plans on my own. This makes it more exciting & personal for me. Love Charlene xx

Picture of Keileih Cook

Keileih Cook

07874316151 Email Keileih

I launched Moo Music with Keileih in April 2022. Mummy to MOOvers Georgia & Evie! My journey began as an attendee of Charlene's class & I just loved everything about it so much that I could not resist jumping on board alongside Charlene when the opportunity presented itself. Coming from an Early Years background, I love planning our sessions to be fun, engaging & developmentally appropriate. A place where children can learn through play whilst bonding with their attending adult. Love Keileih x

Picture of Samantha Milligan

Samantha Milligan

Email Samantha

I launched Moo Music with Samantha in April 2023. Mummy to my own little MOOver Lily, who is 2 years old. Lily & I were attendees of Charlenes class until she started nursery school. We always had so much fun at class, & now I get to have fun at my own classes with all your little MOOvers! I am the energetic mum who loves to sing & dance like no one is watching, I love being creative with my session plans & look forward to welcoming you and your little ones along to our sessions.

What to expect at Moo

Moo Music is a great fun and interactive regular music session for 0 to 5 year old children and their parents, grandparents or carers too, where the children sing, dance and play. Music is an essential part of every child’s development and the 125 original Moo Music songs used at the sessions are positive, uplifting, fun and educational. The interactive sessions will help your child gain confidence and develop memory, language and coordination skills in an exciting, enjoyable and multi-sensory way. It’s a great way to make new friends – both for the children and the adults too!

On social media

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Where we meet

Venue map
  1. Drumchapel
    venue details

  2. Knightswood
    venue details

  3. Cambuslang
    venue details

  4. Hillington
    venue details

  5. Pollok
    venue details

  6. Maryhill
    venue details